
  • Life Path
    Your Life Path Number formula is the day you were born + the month you were born + the year you were born reduced to a single digit.

    Our Life Path Number reveals a great deal about why we are here. It tells a lot about what we came to accomplish and the natural direction our lives take. It is the main pathway or channel for us, providing our major life lessons.
  • Soul
    Your Soul Number Formula is adding up the vowels in your name, using the Pythagorean Chart, and reducing to a single digit

    Our Soul Number or Soul's Urge, speaks to us about our primary inner motivation for growth and development. It is that part of our true nature that is perhaps known only to us and those closest to us.
  • Personality
    Your Personality Number formula is adding the consonants in your name and reducing to a single digit.

    Our Personality Number or Expression Number tells us about the more practical aspects of our personality. This important area of our lives includes our career talents and possibilities as well as the nature of our relationships. This number describes more of who we are to ourselves rather than how others perceive us.
  • Power Name
    Your Power Name Number formula is Your Soul Number + Your Personality Number

    Our Power Name Number describes the strength of our name and lets us know who we are.
  • Personal Year
    Your Personal Year Number formula is your birth day + birth month + Universal Year Number reduced to a single digit.

    This number will reveal to us a great deal about the influences, characteristics, and events of any given year. It is an excellent guide to determining what we can do to benefit most from living in harmony with our natural cycle.
  • Personal Month
    Your Personal Month Number formula is Your Personal Year + current month reduced to a single digit.

    Our Personal Month will describe what our lessons are during its course, the trends and particular influences that are affecting us personally.
  • Personal Day
    Your Personal Day Formula is current month + current day + Your Personal Year reduced to a single digit.

    Our Personal Day Number reveals a particular day, when our powers are heightened, and we have the potential to achieve a lot.
  • Universal Year
    The Universal Year Number formula is the current year reduced to a single digit.

    The Universal Year Number is used to calculate your Universal Daily Number and Personal Year Number.
  • Universal Day
    The Universal Day number formula is the Universal Year + the current month + the current date reduced to a single digit.

    The Universal Daily Number is the vibrational number that resonates for everyone because we all live on that same day.
  • Life Path

    1: People with this number are involved with areas of life that are highly competitive, pioneering, or open to further development of ideas, principles, or projects. A strong Number One refuses to be defeated by outer circumstances of life.

    2: Number Two paths are gifted in social situations as they are receptive to other people's needs. Number Two paths are focused on the development and expression of relating and relationships. They are involved in creating connections with others as well as between people and the environment.

    3: Number Three paths are focused on the development and expression of information. They are usually involved with mathematics, languages, or symbols. Number Threes are generally very bright, talkative and alive.

    4: Number Four paths works to bring order into our daily life. They use their life experiences to develop practical applications and pragmatic understandings.

    5: Number Five paths love freedom, fun and adventure. They love variety and passion. They are most likely to escape life through sex, food, drugs, alcohol, travel or overwork.

    6: Number Six paths are usually gifted with the ability to work with patterns and shapes of all sorts. They are always developing refinement of their creative skills. They are focused on artistic creativity, harmony and love.

    7: Number Seven paths use their life experiences to transform vague and abstract applications into practical ones. Their most likely professions include scientist, engineer, technician and politician.

    8: Number Eight paths are the bankers, stockbrokers, investors, etc. They are good at organizing others to help run their businesses. Their main motivation for success is productivity.

    9: Number Nine paths are focused on the expression of idealism. Their motivation in life is service. They are usually a part of organizations such as Red Cross and Peace Corps.

    11: Number Eleven paths are involved with areas of life that will affect their society. They are focused on a participation in the community. Generally, they are a part of programs that deal with the community directly such as political work, clubs for children and school programs.

    22: Number Twenty-Two paths are the presidents, emperors, kings, etc. They are often in positions to make decisions that will affect and influence a large scale of people. Their motivation for success in life has to do with national interests.

  • Soul

    1: Number one souls are developing a clear sense of who they are and their nature of their personal creative power. The Number One Soul Urge is for individualization.

    2: Number two souls are very much inclined to create new definitions of relationships that reflect a greater sense of human communality. They are seeking to find a sense of unity among people separated by difference in feelings, ideas, or ideals.

    3: Number three souls are deeply motivated to communicate and express themselves. They are propelled through life with a desire to learn and to share what they have discovered.

    4: Number four soul urge teaches about order. It works on the mind to help shape an individual to be a more productive and contributing part of society.

    5: Number five souls are focused on expansion. They share their unbridled enthusiasm for life, their sense of wonder, their courage and their freedom.

    6: Number six soul is the expression of love. It does this creatively through the arts and interpersonally in intimate settings such as the home and workplace. Number six souls are always trying to create comfort and emotional support in their surroundings.

    7: Number seven souls are focused on reflection and contemplation. They want to know how things work, and seek to uncover life's casual factors. They are often happy doing research in a laboratory or library.

    8: Number eight souls inspire others to stimulate others into taking better care of the environment. They have a vested interest in improving their own physical organism.

    9: Number nine souls are motivated by the need to stimulate humanitarian efforts. They are more involved with giving than receiving. Number nine soul is about teaching self-sacrifice.

    11: Number eleven souls are deeply moved to evolve and express their desire for spiritual perfection. A primary goal of a number eleven soul is to enhance his natural psychic and intuitive faculties.

    22: Number twenty-two souls are concerned with large issues. The number twenty-two soul urge intensifies those who are already egocentric or spiritually advanced. They also always have some form of leadership ability.

  • Personality

    1: Number ones are very aware of their self-identity. They know who they are and what they want to do. They are often very satisfied and confident in themselves. They are very independent and assertive, quite ambitious and definitely success-oriented.

    2: Number twos are very focused on relationships. They understand the intricacies of interpersonal connections and communication. They generally tend to counsel others and help reconcile problems that may come up in their relationships. They are very reliable, especially when it comes to fulfilling their responsibilities to others.

    3: Number threes are focused on information and communication. They are very talkative and social. They are fun to be around because of their clever and witty nature.

    4: Number fours are focused on how to be responsible and fulfill their practical needs. They are career and success oriented. They tend to think things through logically and thoroughly.

    5: Number fives are usually upbeat. They are driven by a need for change and growth. They love experiencing new and foreign places.

    6: Number sixes are creative and artistic. They are very balanced and have the abstract mind of a true artist.

    7: Number sevens are scientifically oriented. They are usually at work developing new theories and ideas. They are very intelligent and analytical.

    8: Number eights are focused on seeing the physical results of their work and efforts. They radiate power and are the natural-born leaders of the world.

    9: Number nines are the humanitarians. They are very selfless. They are very sensitive to people living conditions and so the state of our environment.

    11: Number elevens are focused on their involvement with spiritual development. They are sensitive to the energies of life.

    22: Number twenty-twos are capable of an incredible amount of creative output during their lives. They are high-powered and very conscious people. They are the sincere, no non-sense types.

  • Power Name

    1: Your Number One Name gives people the impression that you are highly individualistic by nature, and you are! You always seem to be dynamically projecting outward your inner thoughts, opinions, and viewpoints. You have an inner conviction in the way you live and don't censor yourself.

    2: Your Number Two Name gives people the impression that you are very sensitive. You generally have a caring disposition and a highly developed sense of feelings. When your friends need someone to talk to, they come to you, as you seem to understand what they are experiencing.

    3: Your Number Three Name gives other people the impression that you are very communicative and always have something to say about any life situation you encounter. You are generally curious and inquisitive by nature and will investigate any set of circumstances that calls to you.

    4: Your Number Four Name gives others the impression that you are a very practical person. You are usually the type of individual they see going to work every day, paying your bills and taxes on time, taking care of your car, and just being responsible in a very mundane sense. You appear to have your life well organized and under control.

    5: Your Number Five Name gives people the impression that you have a very expansive nature. You are refreshingly free of personal repression and limitation and usually ready and eager to try anything new. One of your best qualities is that you see the potential joy in everything that life has to offer.

    6: Your Number Six Name gives others the impression that you are very artistic. Others see you as balanced and beautiful, both in body and mind. You are able to communicate this sense of harmony to the world around you, and are able to see the potential good in everything.

    7: Your Number Seven Name gives others the impression that you are a very analytical person. It's just not logic that you possess, it's something more—a developing sense of intuition. You possess an ability of natural insight that comes from your consistent personal reflection.

    8: Your Number Eight Name gives others the impression that you are a very productive person, and they are right! You know how to create material comfort for yourself. You seek to wear the best clothes, eat the best food, and consume the best drinks.

    9: Your Number Nine Name gives others the impression that you are a very compassionate person. They see you as an individual who possesses wide, inclusive views about the human condition. They know that you care about humanity to the point of trying to help in some concrete way. You realize that it takes a great deal of hard work to make even the smallest change in humanity's collective life.

    11: Your Number Eleven Name can give others the impression that you are a very spiritually developed person. You can be quite intuitive and psychic and seem to experience life's realities with a penetrating depth and clarity that intrigues people. Quite often, you will find that many people do not really understand you.

    22: Your Number Twenty-Two Name gives others the impression that you are an extremely capable individual with an ability to succeed at all you attempt to do. You are also perceived as a person whose scope of vision and area of concern go far beyond the boundaries of purely personal interests. Your frame of reference includes your community, your nation, and extends to the entire world. In this respect, you are usually quite politically astute and globally aware.

  • Personal Year

    1: This is a year in which you will devote a lot of your time and effort to defining and expressing who you are and what you seek to do in life. It is a year for the development of your sense of self and the assertion of your individuality.

    2: This is a year for developing personal relationships and creating cooperative efforts. It is during a Number Two Personal Year that we can increase the quality of our connections to others in all facets of our relationships: at work, at home, and in the world at large.

    3: This is a year for the development of your mental abilities. It is a time in which you will want to study, accumulate new ideas, increase communication skills, and advance your capabilities with mechanical instruments and/or tools (computers, musical instruments, etc.)

    4: This is a year for you to develop your practical life skills. During this time, you may well find yourself hard at work as a job that gives you the experiences necessary for the cultivation of pragmatism. Your daily life concerns (food, shelter, clothing) will be of great importance. This does not necessarily indicate a year of lack. IN fact, you may find that it can be during a Number Four Personal Year that you come into contact with the ability to structure your life in such a way that your material abundance increases.

    5: This is a year of personal expansiveness. It is a period in your life in which you will reach into the unknown, experimenting and trying something different. There is a strong urge to have those experiences that create a different vision of how life can be lived. A Number Five Personal Year ushers in a time in which a person is breaking free from her usual routines and searching for new adventure and opportunity.

    6: This is a year in which you will develop your creative skills and have the opportunity to find a greater sense of peace and harmony within yourself. The new lessons gained from your Five Personal Year can be integrated into your life. You will find that you want to bring these added experiences into your environment and enrich those around you. Family and friends take on additional importance as you seek to expand yourself harmoniously and lovingly with those closest to you.

    7: This is a year for renewed efforts at personal development. During this period, you will find the urge to delve deeper into your inner core and discover the nature of your philosophical or spiritual beliefs as well as the true meaning of your life values. The Seven Personal Year allows you to systematically review your understanding of yourself and life in general. It is a contemplative and reflective year, one in which you can open yourself to a more profound sense of self-realization.

    8: This is a year for personal prosperity. It is a time for the development of your practical life values and the construction of your business interests and ventures. You would be well advised at this period to use some of your creative energy to invent a "product," find financial backers for your ideas, organize the running of a commercial enterprise, and bring into physical form whatever it is you are trying to create.

    9: This is a year of completion for you. The Nine Personal Year is the last in this important time cycle. It is during this year that you will experience a certain finality to all the work you have done in your life to bring what you have learned, created, built, and produced to a point of conclusion and integration. Your next birthday will usher in a Number One Personal Year and the process will begin all over again, ideally on a higher turn of the evolutionary spiral.

    11: Same as 2 and 4 years, but much more intensified

    22: Same as 2 and 4 years but much more intensified.

  • Personal Month

    1: Take action, start new projects.

    2: Take time to rest, work on friendships. Avoid being overly sensitive.

    3: Good time for travel, social events. Avoid over spending.

    4: Time to organize, concentrate and focus on your projects. Avoid laziness.

    5: New things, new people. Great time to make changes. Avoid excessiveness.

    6: Harmony with home, family and environment. Avoid unwillingness and meddlesomeness.

    7: Patience, spiritualism. Avoid impatience.

    8: Material expansion, financial growth, watch for overspending.

    9: Public service, concerns for others. Avoid neglecting friendships.

    11: Same as 2 and 4 months but much more intensified.

    22: Same as 2 and 4 months but much more intensified.

  • Personal Day

    1: Good day to start new projects, make appointments. Keep moving forward.

    2: Be receptive, listen, think and cooperate. Keep poised and balanced.

    3: Expression days, enjoy yourself, be sociable. Keep smiling, so with the day.

    4: Get up early, plan your day, good time to do finances and organize yourself. Keep focused.

    5: Get away from the details. Get a new point of view. Exercise your versatility. Keep a keen look out.

    6: Pay attentions to family and friends. Do they need anything you can help with? Pay attention to your surroundings. Get your house in order. Keep alert to those around you.

    7: Take a deep breathe. Spend some time alone today, meditate. Keep a Sunday sort of attitude.

    8: Realize your creative power. Take a look at your affairs and get them in order. Keep your aim in mind.

    9: Take stock of everything in your life. Do away with what you no longer need, be charitable. Do something generous. Keep mindful of those around you.

    11: Same as 2 and 4 days but much more intensified.

    22: Same as 2 and 4 days but much more intensified.

  • Universal Year

    1: New ideas

    2: Inertia, quiet

    3: Activity, scattered focus

    4: Detail. Keep the schedule.

    5: Pleasure and freedom

    6: Home day, balanced day

    7: Peace and a day to enjoy quiet

    8: Accomplishment day. Deal gets done.

    9: Relations day. Family, friends and humanity in general.

    11: Same as 2 and 4 days but much more intensified.

    22: Same as 2 and 4 days but much more intensified.

  • Universal Day

    1: Resonates with invention, authoritative leadership, exploration, being alone, self-reliance, self-determination, and independence.

    2: Resonates with teamwork and diplomacy. The year tends to attract cooperation among disparate groups, partnerships, and agreements.

    3: Resonates with creative expression, supporting enhanced creativity in expressions of art, for example. Social activities also tend to have more significance.

    4: Resonates with a focus on building a foundation for the future. The energy attracts conscientious living, paying attention to details, and getting things done in a pragmatic manner.

    5: Resonates with expression of personal freedom. People are likely to be more adaptable and take a chance on trying, learning about, or adopting a new interest.

    6: Resonates with home and family. Also with harmony, healing, and idealism. The energy supports people coming together to improve their communities.

    7: Resonates with introspection. Also analyzing and thinking things through. An increased interest in both science and spirituality is likely to become evident.

    8: Resonates with business, realism, and material prosperity. It's a year when business mergers and expansions are more noticed. Also likely are huge engineering projects.

    9: Resonates with humanitarianism, compassion, and tolerance. A focus on an ideal is likely. Also more understanding and increased interest in philanthropy.

    11: Brings a spotlight to the world in the realms love, diplomacy, leadership, and individuality. It also brings opportunities for some visionary ideas and ideals to begin to take shape.

    22: Same as 2 and 4 days but much more intensified.

The Pythagorean System is used in Numerology to break down the numbers in names. It assigns a number to each letter in the alphabet.